Eucharistic Apostolate


Eucharistic apostolate is very dear to the heart of the MCBS and gives it top priority. By the very charism of our congregation, we are called in a special way to minister at the table of the Lord and to take up with responsibility the liturgical formation of the people of God. And for this, our congregation gives proper training to our members in Sacred Liturgy and encourage them to take special efforts to make liturgy more meaningful to the people.

Liturgy being the centre of Christian life, we take keen interest in helping people to penetrate with understanding, faith and love into the meaning of the various dimensions of the liturgical celebration and in leading them to a fruitful participation. To achieve this we make use of such means as retreats, parish renewal programmes and various other media.

An important ministry flowing from our charism is the catechesis of liturgy which we carry out in our Eucharistic retreats and parish renewal programmes etc. In all our catechesis of the liturgy, we take care that the faithful get a taste for prayer, a sense of belongingness to the Church that is their own, a greater awareness of God’s presence in their lives, a greater appreciation of the cultural heritages of the Nation as a gift of the Creator.